By Temitope Rotimi
You’ve been spending loads of money on disposable diapers month after month and then you meet another mom who shares the gospel of cloth diapers to you and it is undeniably captivating. So you begin to wonder, which is the best for you and your child?
Cloth diapers have come a long way and well, they definitely came before disposables. On the other hand, disposables came later to ease all the washing and drying that comes with cloth diapers. We’ve put together 4 very valid tips that can help you decide. But whatever you think, know that what matters the most is choosing the one that suits you, your child and your lifestyle.
1. Price
You can spend between $700 to $1500 dollars on disposable diapers a year while cloth diapers would cost you between $400 to $700 if you do the washing yourself. Keep in mind that disposable diapers get discarded but new siblings can always reuse cloth diapers. If you use a laundry service for your cloth diapers, it will cost between $800 to $1200 a year and that’s close to the cost of disposable diapers.
2. Convenience
Parents tend to perceive cloth diapers as difficult to use because they can get messy and always have to be cleaned. But in actual sense, cloth diapers are almost as easy to use as are disposables. Modern cloth diapers come in more innovative designs and high-quality materials than those our mothers used back in the days. Disposable diapers are more absorbent so they might not need changing quite as often.
3. Health
Diaper rash will affect almost every baby at some point whether they wear cloth diapers or disposables. Just make sure to change your baby’s diaper when it’s soaked. As breathable as disposable diapers can be, some parents seem leery that the moisturizing and absorbent chemicals might be harmful to their babies’ tiny bums.
4. Environmental Impact
Somehow the millions of disposables diapers unleashed into our universe everyday will have negative effects on the environment. For parents who are concerned about the protection of the environment, cloth diaper is a better option.
In choosing between cloth diapers or disposables, whichever feels best for you and your child is the right one. In choosing anything at all, always choose what works for you and your child. You can decide to use cloth diapers at home and disposables when you’re on the move.
Tell us what you think in the comment box. Clothes diapers or disposables?
I use disposable diapers because my baby stays in creche and they won’t take care of it well as I would.
this is so me this period is mor e convinient for me with disposable diaper becuase my baby stays in creche ,so i fell they may not handle him well with cloth diaper thats why i go for dsiposable but the expenses no be here
I use cloth diapers at home but disposable when we’re out
this is so me this period is mor e convinient for me with disposable diaper becuase my baby stays in creche ,so i fell they may not handle him well with cloth diaper thats why i go for dsiposable but the expenses no be here