7 Ways to Build Connection with Your Child to Improve Attachment

2018-11-08 9:12:40 AM

Research shows us that being connected to or having a secure attachment with our children is one of the most important actions a parent can take to improve behaviour in their children. A connection with you, provides a secure base and a secure base for many reasons improves behaviour. So how can you stay connected … Continue reading “7 Ways to Build Connection with Your Child to Improve Attachment”

10 Tips to Improve Parent-Child Communication

2018-11-08 8:38:04 AM

The way we talk to our children has a significant impact on their learning and ability to listen and talk to us. Children usually respond to us in the same way we speak to them. The most effective way to talk to your child is through assertive communication. It is firm, yet consistent, clear, gentle … Continue reading “10 Tips to Improve Parent-Child Communication”

How to Find the Right Nanny For Your Family

2018-10-31 4:23:08 PM

Choosing the person in whose care you will place your precious child can be a very tough decision to make. A nanny is a person you employ to provide one-on-one care for your child in your home. You can choose to have a live-in nanny, who will stay in your home or a day nanny … Continue reading “How to Find the Right Nanny For Your Family”

Post-Partum Depression: A Pediatricians Perspective

2018-04-03 11:44:22 AM

There are many issues that plague us as far as women and children’s mental health is concerned. However, as paediatricians, an area that many of us are starting to deal more with is postpartum depression. The reason being, as paediatricians we encounter moms who deal with this often in our offices. We can sometimes identify … Continue reading “Post-Partum Depression: A Pediatricians Perspective”