
Benefits of High Protein in Your Diet

Benefits of High Protein in Your Diet

A high protein diet has become very popular as people strive to find more sustainable ways to lose weight and keep it off.

Having more protein in your diet and less carbohydrates is indeed proven to help you with shedding excess weight faster. Let’s take a look at how and why this is the case.

Protein makes you feel fuller than other food groups and digests slower. Eating protein also creates a process in the body called thermogenesis, which requires the body to burn more calories in order to digest food.

Replacing carbs with protein reduces the hunger hormone and boosts several satiety hormones.
This leads to reduction in hunger which can make you eat fewer calories automatically.

Protein also helps improves your muscle tone. Having more lean muscle boosts your metabolic rate which results in more calories expended.

Some foods that contain the highest protein

Chicken Breast – Chicken breast is lean meat so therefore contains the least amount of fat. Uncooked, 100g of chicken breast contains about 31g of protein. Chicken is a complete source of protein and contains essential amino acids used to build and repair tissues in the body.

Benefits of High Protein in Your Diet
Protein sources

Eggs – Eggs are considered to be one of the best sources of protein available. A medium sized egg contains about 6g of protein.

Benefits of High Protein in Your Diet
Protein sources

Salmon – A 100g of salmon contains about 20g of protein. Salmon is a high source of good fat, in particular omega 3 fatty acids which contribute to normal health and brain functions.

Benefits of High Protein in Your Diet

Beans – 100g of beans contains about 21g of protein. Beans also contains fibre and a good variety of B vitamins and minerals essential to our health.

Benefits of High Protein in Your Diet
Beans protein

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