2018-07-02 3:37:22 PM

Does it get easier when kids grow older? I would say yes. But it is not that simple. You’ll go from having sleepless nights, getting milked mercilessly and juggling piles of diapers to getting much more sleep and not having to carry a baby around on your hip. So yes, it gets easier physically. You … Continue reading “DOES IT GET EASIER AS THEY GROW OLDER?”

5 Things You Should Avoid Saying to Your Child

2018-07-02 3:26:11 PM

A child’s mind is a wide fertile land waiting for seeds to be planted on it. As parents, we should be cautious of the things we say to our children so we don’t plant bad seeds that will produce bad fruits. Check out these five things you should try to avoid saying to your child(ren). … Continue reading “5 Things You Should Avoid Saying to Your Child”


2018-06-27 9:29:53 AM

The first time I travelled without my daughter was when I had to attend my best friend’s wedding. I was the maid of honour and I couldn’t imagine having to drag her through all the stress of running around to put things in place for the wedding. Hurrying out of the church to breastfeed a … Continue reading “TRAVELLING WITHOUT BABY”


2018-06-27 8:11:52 AM

I think it is very important that parents agree on a name just like they agreed to have a child together. Raising the child will also be a joint activity. The only reason one parent should have the sole right to name the child is if the other parent isn’t involved. In most countries, the … Continue reading “WHO SHOULD NAME THE BABY?”

Easy Ways To Bond with Your Child(ren)

2018-06-20 12:52:38 PM

The first step to bonding with your child is to first be your child’s friend. You know how kids like to spend time with their mummy and they sometimes get to throw tantrums. Well, enjoy every moment and act the same way sometimes so your kid would have to pause to watch mummy throw tantrums. … Continue reading “Easy Ways To Bond with Your Child(ren)”