Targeting Tummy Fat: Can you Spot Reduce?

2019-01-24 9:29:48 AM

The answer is no. You cannot spot reduce. It is impossible to lose weight in just one area of your body. When you lose weight via diet and exercising, you lose weight all over your body. However, you might lose weight faster in some areas of your body than others due to your body composition … Continue reading “Targeting Tummy Fat: Can you Spot Reduce?”

Fun Ways To Enjoy Being A Mom

2018-10-31 12:19:31 PM

We all know how exhausting being a Mom can be and sometimes we all need a break. But we can somehow turn all the stress into fun. Here’s how to enjoy being a mom. You may want to give your infant a nice bath. Just take a bath with your infant. Make sure your husband … Continue reading “Fun Ways To Enjoy Being A Mom”

Difficulty Breathing, Childhood Asthma/Wheezing the Basics- Dr. Virgil

2018-07-12 8:15:18 AM

It is easy as a pediatrician to share instructions with parents, to give them the medical information pertinent to taking care of their children with health conditions like Childhood Asthma. It comes second nature to those of us in practice long enough. We train for this; we go through rigorous hours as residents in the … Continue reading “Difficulty Breathing, Childhood Asthma/Wheezing the Basics- Dr. Virgil”

Can You Eat Nigerian Food and Lose Weight?

2018-06-26 12:17:05 PM

By Rume Ameke Can you eat Nigerian foods and lose weight? This is a question most of us would ask considering the fact that our staple foods like Yam, Plantain, Cassava, Rice and the likes tend to contain a good amount of starch and carbohydrates. It would initially seem impossible to lose weight eating such … Continue reading “Can You Eat Nigerian Food and Lose Weight?”

The Benefits of Drinking Water

2018-06-12 3:51:53 PM

By Rume Ameke Water is extremely important to the body. Your body is made up of 70% of water and every organ, cell, and tissue in your body makes use of water for optimal performance. You should drink at least 2 liters of water every day to re-hydrate your body and replace the large amounts … Continue reading “The Benefits of Drinking Water”