
Fun Ways To Enjoy Being A Mom

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We all know how exhausting being a Mom can be and sometimes we all need a break. But we can somehow turn all the stress into fun. Here’s how to enjoy being a mom.
You may want to give your infant a nice bath. Just take a bath with your infant. Make sure your husband is around for the handoff so that you can relax in the tub until the last minute.

Somedays you’re tired, and the kids won’t let you have a quiet time, you can hand your kids a brush, point to your head and tell them to play beauty parlor. It helps to calm down the situation.

You may be so tired sometimes, and your kid’s still screaming mommy all over the place you can pretend that you’re Sleeping Beauty maybe they’ll let you rest, or it will just turn to a pillow fight.

The next time you have to go to a boring kiddie activity, invite another mom-friend along. Hide a drink in sippy cups for the two of you to nurse undercover.

Buy yourself that fancy watch, a strand of pearls or whatever piece of expensive jewelry you’ve been lusting after. Justify your purchase by rationalizing that you’ll pass it down to your daughter or son’s wife eventually.

If possible, switch roles for a day with your husband, watch and enjoy his newfound appreciation for you.

See a good movie when you can or have a nice time at the beach with your kids.

Every Mother’s Day, have a picture taken with your kids., and do anything else that makes you feel good about being a mom.

Give your kids a quiet time every day. Let them learn to be by themselves with books, crayons or blocks.

In the end, have fun!!!

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