

By Dr Gregory Oyinloye | Updated August 2021

Pink October

How do you care for the breasts?

Considering the breasts’ tremendous importance to reproduction, self image and sexual satisfaction, proper attention needs to be paid to them. Once the breasts have started to bud it is best to learn how to self-examine them, and get acquainted to the feel, size and cyclic changes that may occur. Breast examination is done by visualizing and feeling once a month. It can be done in the shower, whilr lying, sitting or standing in front of a mirror. First look for any changes in colour, size and contour. Also look for unusual wrinkles and dimples.

Proper examination involves feeling around the breasts from the outside to the central (nipple) area. It is useful, especially in busty women to imagine the breast divided into 4 equal parts to make it easy to examine and describe any lump found. The nipple is also pressed to see if there is any discharge and finally the armpit to feel for any swelling. If a swelling is seen, note its consistency, location, mobility and possible variation. See your doctor! You could also have your partner examine it for you.
Your doctor will examine you and likely schedule you for an ultrasound. Using the right type of equipment, small lesions, less than half a centimetre, may be visualized.

An Ultrasound is painless and is very useful in early detection of breast lesions. If you are above 40years, the doctor is not satisfied with the breast scan or you have a strong family history of breast diseases, you may be asked to do a mammogram. This is a specialized x-ray which can also detect changes in the breasts. Sometimes if the mass is within the duct, a more specialized type of mammogram is done called a ductulogram.

An MRI is an advanced and highly sensitive way of viewing the breasts, it is one of the safest and most reliable ways of examining the breasts; unfortunately it is not readily available and usually expensive.
If the mass is detected but cannot be convincingly typed, a needle sample is taken for examination(FNAC). This can be done for cysts as well as solid masses and is better done using ultrasound guidance. If the lesion is large enough to be removed, it may be surgically removed and also sent for analysis. Removal techniques are rather good; they take usually only a few minutes and leave minimal scarring.
Most of these procedures are with minimal or no pain at all and where some pain will be anticipated, local anaesthesia(numbing) should be applied.

Causes of Breast Cancer

Cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth and duplication of cells, which grow more rapidly than the normal and surrounding tissue. Some factors may increase the risk of a person to breast cancer, some of these are being a woman, increasing age, radiation, previous breast disease, first degree relative with breast cancer, presence of specific genes (BRCA 1 and 2), early onset and late cessation(menopause)of menses, obesity and some hormonal therapy. The presence of the genetic factor means that it has some hereditary component.

Treatment of Breast Diseases

The most common breast complaints are treated based on possible causes and symptoms. For example, proper breast support is required especially for the busty. Your bras should thread the thin line between being too tight and being too loose. Proper bra fitting and sizing(which may vary on both sides) is very important to reduce breast pain. Also proper hygiene of not only the bras, but the breasts themselves, especially the under parts and between ant folds of skin to prevent rashes(intertrigo).

Medical treatment include analgesics for pain, antibiotics for infections, hormonal therapy for size improvements and cancers, anticancer drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs for swellings and topical creams for skin problems such as rashes.

Other interventions include needle aspiration for cysts (both a test and treatment), surgical removal of lumps, open drainage of abscesses, and partial or total removal of one or both breasts in the case of advanced breast cancer or prevention in women with strong family histories. Radiation therapy is also a form of treatment for advanced breast cancers.

It is important to examine your breasts regularly because nobody knows them better than you do! Not your partner, your doctor, your friends, your mother nor children. Early detection is important in the outcome of breast diseases and quality of life enjoyed thereafter. If you notice anything strange, schedule a visit to a nearby clinic, insist on investigations, seek a second opinion, read about it on the internet, and carefully weigh your options without bias. Mastectomy may be an unpalatable option but if all others have been considered, it should be done as quickly and swiftly as possible to prevent spread of the disease. Besides, advanced reconstructive surgical techniques as well as prosthetics have been able to preserve appearance of the breasts.

Its better to give up the cleavage rather than the ghost.

Breasts or boobs? (Part 1)

Breasts or boobs? (Part 1)


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