Can You Eat Nigerian Food and Lose Weight?

2018-06-26 12:17:05 PM

By Rume Ameke Can you eat Nigerian foods and lose weight? This is a question most of us would ask considering the fact that our staple foods like Yam, Plantain, Cassava, Rice and the likes tend to contain a good amount of starch and carbohydrates. It would initially seem impossible to lose weight eating such … Continue reading “Can You Eat Nigerian Food and Lose Weight?”

3 Parenting Tips to Minimize Sibling Rivalry

2018-06-21 10:48:05 AM

  Have you ever heard the old saying, “the squeakiest cog gets the oil”? This basically means on a piece of machinery we focus on what is making the most noise more so than the other parts. Sometimes this is also the case when we are raising our children. While our children are definitely not … Continue reading “3 Parenting Tips to Minimize Sibling Rivalry”


2018-06-20 1:21:47 PM

Being a mom is a huge job on its own, now talk of having to work a 9 to 5 job for 5 days a week as a mom. This can be a real big challenge for you especially if you have a partner who works the same hours or even longer. You will find … Continue reading “WORKING MOM”

Easy Ways To Bond with Your Child(ren)

2018-06-20 12:52:38 PM

The first step to bonding with your child is to first be your child’s friend. You know how kids like to spend time with their mummy and they sometimes get to throw tantrums. Well, enjoy every moment and act the same way sometimes so your kid would have to pause to watch mummy throw tantrums. … Continue reading “Easy Ways To Bond with Your Child(ren)”

4 Ways To Discipline a Toddler Without Losing Your Cool

2018-06-19 10:43:08 AM

Teaching a toddler how to behave is probably the most difficult stage for parents because this is the age at which children start to become more independent and discover themselves as individuals. Yet they still have a limited ability to communicate and reason. We struggle with teaching them table manners, how to love and not … Continue reading “4 Ways To Discipline a Toddler Without Losing Your Cool”

The Benefits of Drinking Water

2018-06-12 3:51:53 PM

By Rume Ameke Water is extremely important to the body. Your body is made up of 70% of water and every organ, cell, and tissue in your body makes use of water for optimal performance. You should drink at least 2 liters of water every day to re-hydrate your body and replace the large amounts … Continue reading “The Benefits of Drinking Water”

5 Things My First Year of Motherhood Taught Me

2018-06-11 11:12:51 AM

By Janet Nsikan When you get to that cycle in motherhood where your baby starts walking, and you look back at the photos you took when they were tiny ,you are amazed at how you took care of your precious baby till they got so big. That period of total commitment, mentally, physically and spiritually … Continue reading “5 Things My First Year of Motherhood Taught Me”

Did Your Baby Have A Hernia?

2018-06-11 10:49:13 AM

By Janet Nsikan What is a Hernia? A hernia is a protrusion of an internal body part. Hernias often appear as lumps or bumps that may come and go because the internal organ, usually the intestine is pushing through a weak spot in the abdomen and making itself visible. The most common hernias in infants … Continue reading “Did Your Baby Have A Hernia?”

12 Ways Married Couples Can Spice Up their Sex Life.

2018-04-09 11:10:23 AM

Married couples can spice up their sex life in  the following ways listed bellow. 1. Openly discuss fantasies No one will know if the topic isn’t brought up. Spouses must have a few discussions about fantasies they want to live out. Your partner may be completely on board. Discussing fantasies is also a form of … Continue reading “12 Ways Married Couples Can Spice Up their Sex Life.”


2018-04-09 11:06:48 AM

Pre-eclampsia is a condition that affects some pregnant women, usually during the second half of pregnancy (from around 20 weeks) or soon after their baby is delivered. The early signs of pre-eclampsia include having high blood pressure (hypertension) and protein in your urine (proteinuria). It’s unlikely that you’ll notice these signs, but they should be … Continue reading “PRE-ECLAMPSIA BY DR OLUMIDE OFINRAN”