
Travelling with your baby

It’s overwhelming! But if you prepare adequately, you will be making the travel experience easier and more fun for you and your little one. You might worry about how to keep her still in your car or in a bus for hours if you are travelling by road or how to manage feeding and dirty diapers. Don’t worry, it can be done. Just make it easier for yourself; be prepared! Make a checklist, add to it and subtract from it till you’re satisfied. Your checklist should include:

Plastic bags for dirty diapers
Tissue papers
Extra clothes, socks, shoes
Food & water (including favourite snacks)
Plastic feeding set
A lamplight
A first aid kit
A car seat for safer travel by car or plane

Once you’ve packed all you need, you’re good to go. But be careful not to overpack.
If you’re traveling by plane, book a seat that has a bassinet or car seat connection. Your baby can sleep in it while you rest your back.

Make sure that your tablet and phone are fully charged and take their chargers along too. Keep your child entertained with watching her favourite nursery rhyme videos or playing her favourite games. Don’t forget to take books along too!
You can also sing songs and tell exciting stories. Just keep her interested through the journey.

Whew, feels like a lot huh? But if you’re organized and well prepared, you’ll make it through smiling!

2 thoughts on “Travelling with your baby”

  1. Quite helpful, thank you!
    I have a toddler and a 2 weeks old and I’m going to have to travel with them in February next year ?

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