


I think it is very important that parents agree on a name just like they agreed to have a child together. Raising the child will also be a joint activity. The only reason one parent should have the sole right to name the child is if the other parent isn’t involved.

In most countries, the mother has the legal right to name the child, however if there’s a family tradition, it should be followed. Some family traditions give the right to name the child to the father, some to the mother and others to the grandfather or the chief head of the family.

Moving away from family traditions, some parents agree to take turns in naming their children as they come. Sometimes the mother would pick names for their female children while the father names the boys. In other situations, the father chooses the first name while the mother picks a middle name.

When my partner and I wanted to choose a name for our baby, we made a list of the names we love together, researched on their meanings, spellings and pronunciations and crossed out till we made the final choice. That’s how we got her first name. Since we are both of different tribes, we gave her a tribal name each and everybody was happy!

Who do you think should name the baby?

7 thoughts on “WHO SHOULD NAME THE BABY?”

  1. i believe both parents have equal right and besides in olden days names are given according to circumstances surrounding a childs birth.

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