

15 weeks pregnant

At 15 weeks pregnant your baby is the size of an orange or an apple and your bump should be showing by now. Here’s what to expect this week.

Your Growing Baby:
Your little one is looking more and more like a baby. She is about 5 inches and should weigh about 2 ounces. Her nose, lips and taste buds are formed. Her head is covered by a fine, soft hair called lanugo. Starting now, female fetuses show mouth movements much more often than males.


Heartburn and indigestion: You probably feel a lot hungrier now that the morning sickness has (hopefully) reduced. Heartburn and indigestion might become an issue now. If you are suffering from either, try eating several smaller meals, rather than three large ones and avoid foods that cause heartburn.

Faintness or dizziness: This is a common side effect during pregnancy and it might continue for a long time in pregnancy as your blood sugar levels change. Whenever feel light-headed, sit down and put your head between your legs as this will prevent you from falling.

Round Ligament pain: As the muscles and ligaments that support your uterus stretch, you might get pains on the lower sides of your body. This is a normal side effect of pregnancy, but if the pain becomes unbearable, you should check with your doctor.

Varicose Veins: As ugly as they might feel, they are a normal side effect of the increased blood flow during pregnancy. Sit down and your your feet up – this will keep the blood circulating and ease the pressure on your legs.

Pregnancy brain: Can’t remember where you put your phone or your car keys? Pregnancy brain will have you forgetting stuff as your brain cell volume actually decreases during pregnancy. It’s a good time to start putting down notes and making timetables.

You may have a very noticeable bump below your belly button now that yur womb is starting to grow up and out of your pelvis. Your milk glands may be producing milk already. Your body is also starting to make colostrum, a protein-rich fluid that is great for newborns. You may also begin to feel what is called the Braxton-Hicks contractions. These contractions feel like a tightening in your uterus or abdominal area and they get your uterus in shape to give birth. You may get them more frequently after exercise. If you have more than four contractions an hour, uncomfortable pelvic pressure, or discharge lots of fluid or mucus, contact your care provider.
Talk to your doctor if you’re at high risk of preeclampsia, or genetic or chromosomal issues, so they’ll do the relevant tests.

Your little one is starting to look more and more like a baby. By now, she’ll have ears on either side of her head and her eyes are moving from the side of her head to the front of her face. Her eyes will start to become sensitive to light, even though they remain closed, she can now recognise bright light. She’s practising breathing, sucking and swallowing so she’ll have all the necessary skills she needs as a human.

1. Sign up for a prenatal yoga class
2. Start pelvic tilts to strengthen your abs.
3. Talk to you partner about finding out the sex of your baby.
4. Schedule an amniocentesis if it’s recommended. An amniocentesis is a procedure in which your doctor removes a small amount of amniotic fluid from your womb to test for genetic abnormalities.

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