2018-08-06 1:00:37 PM

At six week, you have raging hormones that could make you feel emotional and it’s understandable to feel downright miserable, nervous and uncertain. Your Growing Baby: At 6 weeks pregnant, baby is the size of a sweet pea. The average embryo at week six is about 25 inches and this size will double by next … Continue reading “6 WEEKS PREGNANT”

Woman Crush Wednesday: Chido Govera

2018-08-01 3:45:20 PM

Woman Crush Wednesday: Chido Govera is a Zimbabwean farmer, campaigner, and educator She founded her foundation, Future of Hope to reach out to as many Africans as she can through Mushroom farming. She was introduced to mushroom farming when she was just 11. Govera had a rough childhood because she was orphan and had to … Continue reading “Woman Crush Wednesday: Chido Govera”

Easy Tips to Kids Summer Activities Series: How to plan a fun and memorable play date.

2018-07-31 10:31:40 AM

To make summer fun and memorable, here is our first article in the series of 10 ways to keep your kids busy during summer. Play dates can be daunting and stressful especially when you have never planned one before. Not to worry, we have created easy tips to planning a play date To plan a play date … Continue reading “Easy Tips to Kids Summer Activities Series: How to plan a fun and memorable play date.”

Man Crush Monday: Dr. Yohans Wodaje Emiru

2018-07-30 6:14:47 PM

Man Crush Monday: Dr. Yohans Wodaje Emiru is an Ethiopian entrepreneur, CEO and Founder of Telemed Medical Services. Dr. Yohans has extensive experience in adult, maternal, and children’s health. Telemed Medical Services is firm with a mission to enable Ethiopians access to fast, reliable and affordable healthcare services. It allows people to call from anywhere, … Continue reading “Man Crush Monday: Dr. Yohans Wodaje Emiru”

Woman Crush Wednesday: Zanele Diniso

2018-07-25 4:47:08 PM

Woman Crush Wednesday: Zanele Diniso is the founder of Periwinkle Home Executive and Co-founder of Ndingumntwana Adopt a Learning Child Programme. Both organisations aim at empowering the less fortunate. Diniso was born to a domestic worker and bus driver who were very hard workers Port Elizabeth in South Africa, so she learnt to always strive … Continue reading “Woman Crush Wednesday: Zanele Diniso”

DIY Hair Cream Mix ‘Shealoe’

2018-07-24 12:01:38 PM

Hello beautiful mommies! This is a quick video to show you how to make DIY Hair Cream Mix ‘Shealoe’. It is whipped Shea butter & Aloe Vera hair cream. A few things to note: the ingredients can be adjusted as required, a hand mixer can be used or whisk by hand (this will obviously take … Continue reading “DIY Hair Cream Mix ‘Shealoe’”

Man Crush Monday: Simbarashe Mhuriro

2018-07-23 3:20:54 PM

Man Crush Monday: Zimbabwean Simbarashe Mhuriro is the founder of Oxygen Energy, a company that focuses on energy development. It specialises in utility scale power plants and commercial rooftop solar projects. Mhuriro was born 33 years ago in Zimbabwe. He grew up working different jobs including being a Disk Jockey, a teacher in a local … Continue reading “Man Crush Monday: Simbarashe Mhuriro”

10 Ways to Keep Your Kids Busy This Summer

2018-07-23 11:35:29 AM

Summer holiday is a time to unwind and relax with the family but it can get tough and tiring. When kids are home all day, free from the normal school routine, they can get bored easily and boredom often leads to inattentiveness, whining and other mischief. This can also affect the sanity of parents or … Continue reading “10 Ways to Keep Your Kids Busy This Summer”

Woman Crush Wednesday: ANERLISA MUIGAI

2018-07-18 2:49:55 PM

Anerlisa Muigai is a 30 year old Kenyan and the founder of NERO, a beverage company that produces and sells an Executive Still Water brand across Kenya. The Still Water brand is among the top selling brands in Kenya. Muigai was introduced to business at a young age as she is the daughter of renowned … Continue reading “Woman Crush Wednesday: ANERLISA MUIGAI”


2018-07-16 5:04:52 PM

Most moms-to-be find out they are pregnant on the fifth week. This is because the fifth week is when they probably realized they missed a period and then thought to take a test! Plus, at 5 weeks pregnant, heightened hormone levels may be giving you symptoms that are tough to ignore, like sore breasts, nausea, … Continue reading “PREGNANCY WEEK BY WEEK: 5 WEEKS PREGNANT”