Financial Freedom: How to Create Multiple Streams of Income.

2019-02-15 4:46:49 PM

Live Session with Finance Expert Bola Sokunbi, Founder of Clever Girl Finance. Having multiple streams of income helps you expand how much you earn but it’s important to maximise your main stream of income for starters. This is to reduce the stress of having to juggle family and working on different income streams. Also, always … Continue reading “Financial Freedom: How to Create Multiple Streams of Income.”


2019-02-14 3:21:48 PM

Valentine’s Day provides an excellent opportunity to have fun with your children and shower them with love! While Valentine’s Day is often associated with romantic love, it is a holiday you can share with your entire family, and it provides an opportunity to teach your children about the importance of caring for others. You can … Continue reading “VALENTINES DAY IDEAS WITH THE ENTIRE FAMILY”

Shakira’s Story: Aortic Stenosis Survivor

2019-02-11 5:44:55 PM

Hello my name is Shakira. I have a congenital heart defect known as Aortic Stenosis. I have undergone three major surgeries and I was on ECMO (Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) two times. A little over a year ago, My life almost ended before it even started. A major infection known as Endocarditis, attacked my heart and … Continue reading “Shakira’s Story: Aortic Stenosis Survivor”


2019-02-01 9:38:39 AM

Every mom will appreciate a day without having her baby cry all over the place., a good night sleep without being woken by her crying baby. This is why this article is put together to give moms practical ways to stop their baby tears straight away. Gentle rocking while speaking softly according to experienced moms … Continue reading “10 TRIED AND TESTED WAYS TO SOOTHE A CRYING BABY”


2019-02-01 1:23:44 AM

WEEK 10   Congratulations! You’ve reached 10 weeks pregnant, you may already look pregnant. Week 10 is the best time to go shopping for some new, looser clothes. Don’t go too crazy at the store though. As your body continues to change, you’ll want to pick up some more essentials along the way. Remember, you’ve … Continue reading “10 WEEKS PREGNANT”


2019-01-24 1:27:58 AM

It’s been a great time for African Mommy. Shile Ismaila, our African mommy CEO has been on a media tour, promoting what we do here on African mommy and trust me, this tour is fun fun fun. Here is a short captivating video capturing moments from the Media Tour.

Tips That Will Help You Get Pregnant Fast

2019-01-15 11:06:45 AM

Starting a family is a beautiful thing and it takes getting ready. When we get to that point where we are ready to add to our home, we sure don’t want any delays.  Below are some tips to help you fasten your process and get pregnant fast. Do a preconception checkup.  Before you start trying … Continue reading “Tips That Will Help You Get Pregnant Fast”

How To Get Your Kids Ready For School After The Holidays

2019-01-04 10:00:04 AM

It’s been a great season and we all had fun with family. the kids are still excited and have left behind their routines.  Getting them to adjust may be difficult. They probably want to play when its time to study.  Here is how to get your kids ready for school after the holidays. Talk about … Continue reading “How To Get Your Kids Ready For School After The Holidays”

10 Fun Ways To Celebrate New Years Eve with Kids

2018-12-31 3:40:35 AM

New Year’s Eve is traditionally considered as a holiday for adults. This is true because midnight is way past a child’s bedtime. But, we can still celebrate the new year as a family with children involved, bonding and having fun together. Here are fun ideas to celebrate new years eve with your family. You may … Continue reading “10 Fun Ways To Celebrate New Years Eve with Kids”


2018-12-13 7:12:58 AM

As the year gradually comes to an end, it’s customarily in this part of the world to celebrate the year’s end with Christmas which is often celebrated with our family, friends and loved ones. The celebration is characterised by a lot of dinning and winning, shopping, visitation to important places and all. As a great … Continue reading “BEST GIFTS FOR YOUR KIDS THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON”