Join the TRIBE!

2020-05-06 5:44:04 PM

Join the #AfricanMommy tribe today! It’s a forum that aims to provide a support network that empowers and celebrates mothers and women for who they are and encourage them to be the best version of themselves. Get pregnancy, fitness finance, medical, relationship and motherhood tips. Also be inspired by different African cultures, fashion and food. … Continue reading “Join the TRIBE!”


2020-05-01 3:16:42 PM

Committing to a workout routine will increase our fitness level, improve health and even increase mental well being. Our behaviour becomes our habits, our habits becomes our routine and our routine becomes our lifestyle. It takes 21days to make a habit and 90days to make it a lifestyle. In the end we ultimately have to … Continue reading “THE POWER OF ROUTINES AND HABIT: WAYS TO KEEP OF THE WEIGHT DURING SOCIAL DISTANCING AND FOREVER”

Having a Baby? These 5 Tips Will Help You Prepare Financially

2020-04-10 6:35:19 PM

Preparing financially for the arrival of your baby isn’t just about buying tiny cute clothes or tonnes of diapers; these are very important too but it’s a lot more than that. It involves a whole lot of financial planning because the last thing you want to deal with when your baby arrives is financial stress. … Continue reading “Having a Baby? These 5 Tips Will Help You Prepare Financially”


2020-04-04 11:04:34 AM

You’ve just had a baby or more and your body has passed through the toughest but most enchanting experience ever. Now you have to worry about what to wear without looking or feeling pregnant. Remember it took nine months for your body to change into what it is now, and it might be almost impossible … Continue reading “DRESSING YOUR POSTPARTUM BODY”


2020-04-04 10:15:37 AM

Now that you’re 16 weeks pregnant, things must be getting pretty exciting. You may have another antenatal visit this week, where you will get to hear baby’s heartbeat again. You might also start to feel your baby kick subtly. Your baby can also hear your voice now and she’ll recognize it at birth, time to … Continue reading “16 WEEKS PREGNANT”


2020-03-19 10:32:50 PM

This is a really stressful  time but its still a great time to spend quality time with your family and bond. You might however get overwhelmed when the kids start to act out because they have nothing to do, this list of fun things can help you keep them active with ease. You can also … Continue reading “51 INDOOR ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS STUCK AT HOME”

CORONAVIRUS: Safeguarding You and Your Kid(s)

2020-03-18 7:19:57 PM

Dr Bolanle Diya Ebhaleme (Pediatrician) guides us through the steps we need to take to safeguard our families. Prevention, taking precautions, staying safe and watching out for symptoms in kids and adults. She also talks through next action steps to take if you develop similar symptoms. Watch here and air your concerns in the comment … Continue reading “CORONAVIRUS: Safeguarding You and Your Kid(s)”

The Grisly Chronicles of Dr. G.

2020-03-13 4:09:28 PM

Gynaecology calls were never my favourite as an intern, if anyone had said I’d be working mostly with women now I’d have rebuked the devil. True to my thoughts, I am not a gynaecologist but in my line of diagnostic medicine most of my patients are those with gynaecological problems such as infertility, pregnancy and … Continue reading “The Grisly Chronicles of Dr. G.”

What You Need to Know About Cervical Cancer

2020-02-19 9:10:44 PM

Cervical cancer is a malignancy of the cervix, which is the lowest part of the womb where it opens to the outside. It is the second most popular cancer of women in sub saharan africa and within the top 5 in the world. Unforunately 80 percent of cancer deaths from cervical cancers are in low … Continue reading “What You Need to Know About Cervical Cancer”

How to overcome guilt and fully enjoy the festive season

2019-12-24 8:46:58 PM

If you’ve spent the year trying to lose weight or keep fit, then it’s normal to have feelings of guilt, particularly at this time of the year. Changing our mindset towards food will go a long way to help us eliminate food guilt. The festive season is a time to spend with family and friends … Continue reading “How to overcome guilt and fully enjoy the festive season”