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Congratulations! If you know you’re 4 weeks pregnant, you found out the news early because you took a test as soon as you missed your period or even a few days before and you might be totally excited, or you might be filled with excitement especially when you have been trying to conceive. Either way, celebrate … Continue reading “PREGNANCY WEEK BY WEEK: 4 WEEKS PREGNANT”
Difficulty Breathing, Childhood Asthma/Wheezing the Basics- Dr. Virgil
It is easy as a pediatrician to share instructions with parents, to give them the medical information pertinent to taking care of their children with health conditions like Childhood Asthma. It comes second nature to those of us in practice long enough. We train for this; we go through rigorous hours as residents in the … Continue reading “Difficulty Breathing, Childhood Asthma/Wheezing the Basics- Dr. Virgil”
A single sperm met an egg at week 2 and now, you’ve made a baby! At 3 weeks pregnant, you may have no idea that you’re actually pregnant because conception just happened a few days ago, so it’s not really yet time for you to miss a period. 3 WEEKS PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS When you’re … Continue reading “PREGNANCY WEEK BY WEEK: 3 WEEKS PREGNANT”
Though some women swear that they were aware of the “moment of conception”, most are oblivious. The radical hormonal changes of the first trimester don’t kick in until implantation, which happens between 3 to 5 days after conception. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant, or not, you may be waiting on the edge of … Continue reading “PREGNANCY WEEK BY WEEK:1 – 2 WEEKS PREGNANT”
Diary of a Single Mom: I Am not a Man Hunter
It’s funny how when I walk into a room full of people who know I’m a single mom and all they see is a hunter well-armed with bows and arrows ready to shoot the next man down. Nobody agrees there are single moms who just want to be happy with their child(ren), with or without … Continue reading “Diary of a Single Mom: I Am not a Man Hunter”
Can Women Strength Train without looking Bulky?
By Rume Ameke The answer is a resounding yes! Women can strength train as part of their fitness routine and not look bulky. Strength training is great for building lean muscle for both men and women but because women do not have the male hormone testosterone, we are not prone to putting on so much … Continue reading “Can Women Strength Train without looking Bulky?”
Does it get easier when kids grow older? I would say yes. But it is not that simple. You’ll go from having sleepless nights, getting milked mercilessly and juggling piles of diapers to getting much more sleep and not having to carry a baby around on your hip. So yes, it gets easier physically. You … Continue reading “DOES IT GET EASIER AS THEY GROW OLDER?”
5 Things You Should Avoid Saying to Your Child
A child’s mind is a wide fertile land waiting for seeds to be planted on it. As parents, we should be cautious of the things we say to our children so we don’t plant bad seeds that will produce bad fruits. Check out these five things you should try to avoid saying to your child(ren). … Continue reading “5 Things You Should Avoid Saying to Your Child”
The first time I travelled without my daughter was when I had to attend my best friend’s wedding. I was the maid of honour and I couldn’t imagine having to drag her through all the stress of running around to put things in place for the wedding. Hurrying out of the church to breastfeed a … Continue reading “TRAVELLING WITHOUT BABY”
I think it is very important that parents agree on a name just like they agreed to have a child together. Raising the child will also be a joint activity. The only reason one parent should have the sole right to name the child is if the other parent isn’t involved. In most countries, the … Continue reading “WHO SHOULD NAME THE BABY?”